The African Commission on Nuclear Energy

The African Commission on Nuclear Energy (AFCONE) is the autonomous Pan-African organization that is uniquely mandated under the African Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Treaty (The Treaty of Pelindaba) to serve as the Secretariat of the Treaty, and to engender industrial and socio-economic development in Africa through the coordination and promotion of safe and secure peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology, as well as regional and inter-regional cooperation for that purpose.  

AFCONE fosters peace and security in Africa, and globally, through overseeing the full and effective implementation of the nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament provisions of the Treaty of Pelindaba. The Headquarters of AFCONE is in Pretoria, South Africa, and is headed by an Executive Secretary. AFCONE is financed by States Parties assessed contributions, as well as extrabudgetary funding.

The State Parties to the Treaty of Pelindaba are represented by 12 States (called Members) that are elected from among themselves by the Conference of State Parties with due regard to equitable regional representation and national development in nuclear science and technology. State Parties that are members of AFCONE serve for a term of three years and are represented by Commissioners with experience/expertise in the subject of the Treaty.

NUI is working closely with the AFCONE Executive Secretary on number of issues, such as uranium resources in Africa, multi-lateral research, and policy development.