Recycle Forum Namibia

The Recycle Namibia Forum (RNF) was established in 2011 as a non-profit membership organisation with the purpose of coordinating projects to promote recycling, and the reduction and reuse of so-called waste in Namibia. RNF is the result of Namibians who decided to support various environmental projects that were started in an informal way when Namibia Breweries Limited, the City of Windhoek, Rent-A-Drum, Collect-a-Can, 4H-Namibia, Plastic Packaging and Nuevas Ideas Consulting decided to promote and support activities that promote environmental integrity.

RNF formally addresses waste in terms of the 3Rs – Reducing, Reusing and Recycling – and all other environmental matters relating to these issues within Namibia. Companies and organisations from the private sector are invited to take up membership with the Recycle Namibia Forum in order to benefit from this partnership which ensures that your company will be associated with a social responsibility institution of high credibility and linked into a network on environmental developments.

Members have the right and obligation to be entitled, encouraged and required to participate in the activities of RNF through various submissions and discussions to promote and maintain the objectives of RNF. By combining private sector businesses, civil society and public sector resources, we can preserve our beautiful country for future generations to enjoy a clean and healthy environment. The mission of RNF is to make Namibia the country that achieves the highest success in the 3Rs of recycling, reducing and re-using in support of the internationally held view that Namibia is the cleanest country on the African continent.