
We at NUA trust that you find the factsheet helpful. However, please be cautioned that while NUA  and NUI, as well as other related affiliates made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this factsheet has been obtained from reliable sources and correct at the time of posting, NUA and NUI (including at all times its employees, directors, trustees, members, agents, or related affiliates) is not responsible for any errors, misrepresentation or omissions or for the results or consequences following the use of this factsheet or the information contained therein. All information is provided on “as is” basis with no warranty of any kind, including validity, accuracy, or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event will NUA and NUI (including at all times its employees, directors, trustees, members, agents, or related affiliates) be liable for any decision or action taken in reliance on the factsheet or information or for any consequential, special, or similar damages.