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Namibia University of Science and Technology


Based in Windhoek, the Namibian University of Science and Technology’s mission is to be a responsive university, creatively meeting the needs of students, the community and the economy by offering multiple pathways for excellent education, applied research, innovation and service, in collaboration with all stakeholders. The University has the vision to be the premier university in science and technology, preparing leaders for a knowledge economy.

The University has six faculties, namely the Faculty of Computing & Informatics, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Health & Applied Sciences, the Faculty of Human Sciences, Faculty of Management Sciences, and the Faculty of Natural Resources & Spatial Sciences.

The Namibian Uranium Institute works closely with the Department of Natural and Applied Sciences of the Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences, and the Department of Mining and Process Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering, where the director of the Namibian Uranium Institute serves as a member of the Industry Advisory Board.